Hosea 7:10 Being Arrogant

Israel’s arrogance testifies against him, but despite all this  he does not return to the LORD his God or search for him. Hosea 7:10

Israel was God’s chosen people. God had personally selected them to be His people and to reveal Himself to the world through them. Since they were God’s chosen people, the people felt that they were extra special and could do whatever they wanted. They felt that they were the best and above all wrong, regardless of what they did. In this process they refused to turn to God or even search for Him.

Being labeled as arrogant is not a term that most people would want to be given. It is a term that is negative in its connotation. Being called arrogant means one is very stuck on himself and thinks that he is the best or better than anyone else. A lot of times people say an arrogant person has his nose stuck up in the air, because he is looking down on everyone else.

Over the years there have been many different famous people who were very arrogant in their words. Sports players, movie stars, singers, and politicians have been labeled or seen as very arrogant. Yet, many of these same people have fallen down and crushed. Often because of someone better than them, others because of some crime that they committed. They feel as though they are so good, that they can do no wrong or will be let off the hook on it.

Sadly, this same type of arrogance occurs in the church, just as it did with Israel. Leaders in the church feel as though they are the best. Individuals in the church carry the label of “Christian” and feel as though they can do no wrong at all.

Many believers have some success in their life, then suddenly stop seeking God, because they feel as though it was all their own work. They become very arrogant.

Take a look at your own life. Who gave you the ability to do what you do? Who opened the doors to allow you to do what you do?

It was not you who gave you all these things, it was God. As you go through your day, each day, seek God and what He wants. Do not allow yourself to think that you did it on your own or that you are the best. Let God have all that glory.

I pray today that you will seek God with all of your heart; that you will allow God to work through you; and that you will know it is by God’s power that you are here.

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