Mark 7:37 Miraculous Hearing And Speaking

People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” Mark 7:37

Hearing and speaking is something that every person wants to be able to do on their own. It is very common that when a person begins to have problems with hearing or speaking, people will quickly try to get help to cure the problem.

No one wants to be deprived of being able to hear or speak. It creates many difficulties in every area of life.

A man who could neither hear or speak was brought to Jesus for a healing touch. When Jesus healed the man, the people were amazed that He could make the deaf hear and the mute speak.

Even today people are amazed when a physical miracle occurs allowing a person to physically begin hearing or speaking. While this passage is directly about physical hearing or speaking, there is another dimension of hearing and speaking that God works in people.

This is other miraculous change that occurs is in the hearing and speaking in the spiritual realm. When Jesus touches the life of a person, one will have his spiritual ears and mouth opened. He will begin to see and speak about the things of God that the natural man cannot hear or speak about.

Those who see someone who can begin to speak and hear in the spiritual realm will often be amazed. They will not understand how a person can hear and speak about the things of God in a clear way. His words will be new and different than those of his past or of the world.

All these changes come about because he is made into a new creation in Christ Jesus. He now has open communication with God, the things of God and things in the spiritual realm.

As a believer God has given you His Holy Spirit to open your ears and mouth. God makes it possible for you to hear what He is saying or what the demonic spiritual realm is saying. He also makes it possible for you to boldly speak His life giving words and truth in this dying corrupt world.

When you allow God to work in and through you in miraculous ways, people will stand amazed. They will see the hand of God doing miracles in your life.

Have you allowed God to open your ears and mouth?

Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Savior; that God will open your ears to hear His word; that God will open your mouth to boldly speak His word; and that you will be filled with His Holy Spirit to do miracles in and through you.

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