Psalm 140:7 God Covers Your Head

O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, You have covered my head in the day of battle. Psalm 140:7

Winning a battle takes both strength and protection at the same time. One has to have the strength to withstand the attacks of the enemy and to strike back at the enemy. At the same time, one needs to be protected from the various types of attacks that the enemy may mount up against a person, both physical and mental. Having both gives a person the ability to win and defeat the enemy.

David looks to God as the strength of his salvation and that God has covered his head during a battle.

Soldiers in a military unit will often find strength in unity with others. Each other and the leaders will bring a source of strength to keep going into battle and to stand up against the enemy.

The world is the enemy of believers are on task to attack the believer in any way possible. The believer needs to have strength and protection when the world begins to attack.

Strength begins with God, the ultimate source of strength that is available day and night. It is only God who truly supplies salvation for those who repent and believe in Jesus Christ. Knowing that one is saved, gives one the strength to stand up against the attacks of the world.

Having this knowledge in one’s heart is the covering of the head. The mind is protected from the lies of the enemy and is filled with the knowledge of God in the days of battle.

The Word–the Bible–is also God. Having His Word hidden in one’s heart gives the covering to know that God is there and will win the battle in the end. God is the covering and the strength in the day of battle.

The world is out to attack and destroy you. It is a battle for your life. At times you will grow begin to grow weary and want to stop the fight. Don’t stop the fight of your life but lean on God for strength knowing that you will win the battle and be saved in the end. Allow God to cover your head and heart with His presence and word to guide you in the battle and give you victory over the enemy in the day of battle.

Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will know God as the strength of your salvation; that you will have God’s word hidden in your heart to protect your heart; that you will allow God to cover you with His presence and word; and that God will give you victory over the enemy.

Picture by Johannes Andersson on Unsplash

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