Joshua 4:20 Keeping Memories Alive

And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken out of the Jordan. Joshua 4:20

Memorials are put up nearly every location throughout the entire world. These memorials can be something huge set up by nations to small pictures drawn by little children hung on a refrigerator door by a parent.

The purpose and focus of a memorial are to remember something good that was accomplished by someone else. Remembering these things can give a person renewed strength and renewed joy and hope during difficult times. It can also help remind a person why things are the way they are.

As the Israelites crossed the Jordan River each tribe was to take up a stone from the middle of it. Those stones were set up at Gilgal as a memorial reminder of what God did for them in parting the river to cross over.

If a believer has his spiritual eyes open, he will see God doing miracles in his life on a regular basis. Nearly impossible situations will work out seamlessly with near perfection. Feared difficulties will clear away with ease.

Even though these things occur on a regular basis, many believers forget about them or chalk them up to being luck or their own personal hard work, rather than the work of God. People are quick to forget the hand of God in their lives.

Remembering what God has done will strengthen the believer for the next time an impassable river is in the way knowing God can part the waters and make a way where there seemed to be no way.

Journals, pictures, or some other physical thing can be set up to remind one as to what miracle God had done in one’s life. Looking back at these memories will help one to remember that God is in control and can do all things.

If you really stop and think about it, you may be able to recall many times God has done some miracle in your life. Think of how many times you had unexpected favor or something turned out not as bad as what was expected.

Take time to set up something to remind you of some of those miracles. Then take time to remember what God has already done. Then share with others what God had done in your life.

This will strengthen you to keep your focus upon God’s abilities and be a witness to others of His abilities.

Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will know what God has done in your life; that you will see all miracles God is performing in your life; that you will remember what God has done; and that you will trust God for your future challenges.

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