Mark 4:39-40 Quiet! Be Still!

“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be Still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:39-40

After a long day of teaching, Jesus and the disciples get into a boat. Jesus goes to sleep. During His sleep, a storm comes up and threatens to sink the boat.

The disciples wake Jesus up scared that they are going to drown. They know that Jesus can do something about it and could not understand why He was sleeping.

Jesus gets up and calms the wind and waves. Then He asks them why they were afraid.

While Jesus was resting His physical body on a cot on that boat, He was also resting His Spirit in the control of God the Father. He knew who was really in control. He knew that His time to die had not yet come. There was no wind or wave on the earth that was going to be able to kill Him. He had peace.

In life today, you may not be on a physical boat with wind and waves, but you are on the boat of life. There are other types of winds and waves that come against you.

How many times do you cry out to God, like the disciples did, “do You not care if I drown?”

As normal humans, we only see the here and now that is visible. We cannot see around the corner or into the future.

No matter how big the problem is, God is going to take care of you. Tell yourself the words that Jesus said: “Quiet! Be Still!” Do not allow yourself to get worked up into a frenzy of fear and worry.

Yes, the storms of life are large and the waves are ominous, but God is bigger. God is in control. Have faith in Him. God will take care of you, no matter how bad it gets.

Remember, the worst that can happen is you die, which then becomes the best because you get to go straight to heaven where there will be no more problems.

I pray today that God will bring peace to your heart and mind; that God will calm the storms in your life; that you will have faith in God; that God’s perfect love will cast out the fear in your life; and that God will use you to build His kingdom.

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