Luke 13:4-5 Repent Or Perish

Or those eighteen who died when the tower of Siloam fell on them–do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Luke 13:4-5

It is easy for people to point fingers at others and say they are more guilty. People like to see others pay for their crimes or things that they have done wrong, while thinking that they are much better.

Comparing what one person has done with what one’s own self has done happens all the time. It helps people feel a false sense of better about themselves.

Jesus tells of how some people had died when a tower crashed on them. Some people felt that those people were more guilty of sins than they were. Jesus said everyone is the same and without repentance, all will perish.

When natural disasters occur and people suffer or die, many in the church will quickly say that they had it coming due to sin. Often fingers are pointed out to their sins, and not looking at what they have done themselves that deserves punishment.

People are quick to overlook or forget about their own personal sins, when looking at the sins of others. They like to see judgement upon others.

One thing that every person must understand is that regardless of what one has done, if one does not repent, he will die in sins and be condemned for eternity. Repentance is a being sorrow for sin committed and turning away from those sins.

God is willing and ready to forgive, but one must repent. Instead of just pointing fingers at the sins in others and thinking that one is better, the believer must realize that he is just as guilty of sins and repent.

You are no more or no less guilty than the most vile sinner that the world has ever produced. As soon as you have sinned once, you are just as guilty as the person who sins continually and rejects God completely.

Disasters will occur to everyone, regardless of how much they sin or don’t sin. The only difference for a believer is if he has repented of sin.

Instead of pointing judgement against others, look at yourself and see if you have repented of your own sins. Be the example you think the world should be when serving God.

Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Savior; that you will repent before God of all your sins; that you tell others of the need to repent and believe in Jesus; that God will show you your own guilt before Him; and that you will live your life for God.

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