Lamentations 2:11 Weeping For The Lost

Boats on dry ground

My eyes fail from weeping, I am in torment within; my heart is poured out on the ground because my people are destroyed, because children and infants faint in the streets of the city. Lamentations 2:11 

Death, destruction, sickness bring about weeping to every person. No one likes to see friends and family getting hurt or going through pain for any reason. As loved ones are suffering, a person weeps with them wishing he could make it better or remove the suffering.

Questions are always raised as to why someone must go through suffering and pain. Anger rises because of the suffering and pain, both in the individual going through it and those who love the person.

Jeremiah is watching his nation, his people being destroyed as they are sent into exile. The nation of Israel has been destroyed and overcome by the enemy. The people are suffering and he cannot do anything about it, but weep and mourn for them.

All over the world people are suffering and dying daily for many different things. One of the greatest sufferings is things brought on by sin. Many people suffer because of their own personal sinful choices that they had made. Choices are made that bring on pain, suffering, sickness and death.

The heart of the believer who is seeing this suffering, should be breaking. His heart needs to be like the heart of God. God does not want to see anyone suffer. It is only because of sin that there is suffering, sickness and death.

Nations, cities and communities are filled with people who do not know Jesus as Savior, who do not serve or love God. This should break the heart of the believer. Watching people die daily without God should be one of the greatest torments in the heart and life of a believer. This gives reason for the believer to be a witness for Jesus to this dying world.

As you watch the news or see what is going on around you, what are your thoughts? Do not be like many with a cold heart believing that they got what they deserve. Allow your heart to be broken as Jeremiah’s heart was.

Weep for those who are suffering because of sinful choices. Weep over the sin of people and nations that is being done and promoted.

Be a witness of who Jesus is and the life He offers to everyone. Share the news that God does want to forgive and proved an abundant life.

I pray today that you will see the world as God sees it; that your heart will break for those who do not know Jesus; that you will be a witness of who Jesus is; and that God will change lives through you. 

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