Psalm 11:4 God Is Watching Closely


Magnifying humansThe Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them. Psalm 11:4 

There are times that things need to be examined. Someone needs to look at something closely to determine some information about it. Doctors examine their patients to find out what is wrong with them. Police examine vehicles going down the road to determine if any laws are being broken. Lawyers and judges examine evidence to determine who is guilty. Bosses examine the work of their employees to determine how well the work is getting done.

Examinations can be cause a person to be nervous, because most people do not like to be seen so closely. They are afraid that faults may be found or they may be guilty of something.

David points out that even though God is in heaven He is watching everyone closely. God is examining, not just a few people, but everyone on the earth.

The majority of people in the world live their lives as though God is either not there or is not paying attention to them. Since they cannot see God directly, they think God cannot see or is not watching them. It is like a little child that puts his hands over his eyes, and says that no one can see him–he is hiding.

Some believers also live as the world does. They choose to do things that God is against, thinking that no one sees them.

Yet, God is doing an examination, He is watching everyone closely. God not only sees what is being done, but He also sees into the heart and sees the motives of why things are being done. Doing the right thing for the wrong reason is still wrong. A positive times a negative is always a negative.

Knowing that God is examining you can cause two feelings. One is anxiety, because you realize He knows when you are doing something wrong. The other is peace, because you know He is watching over you and knows your situation.

You allow a doctor to examine you at the doctor’s office, so then freely allow God to examine your life. God will do better than any doctor. He can point out areas you need to grow in or show you areas you have grown in already. Since God knows you so well, He can help you be more like Jesus everyday.

I pray today that you will know God is watching you; that you will find peace in God’s watching you; that you will allow God to show you areas to grow in and change; and that you will know God’s great love for you. 

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