Exodus 34:12 Be Careful Of Snares

Mouse traps with cheese on turquoise table. This file is cleaned and retouched.

Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you. Exodus 34:12

Treaties are agreements that are made between two opposing groups in order to bring about peace. They are commonly known between two warring nations to bring about peace and end fighting amongst each other.

Although not always called a treaty, the same type of agreement is also found between opposing businesses and individuals. One thing that is common among all treaties is that they are a compromise between the two opposing groups. Both groups give in on their stand in some area and get to continue to stand strong in another area. On the outside it appears as a win-win.

As God was bringing the Israelites through the wilderness, He told them to be careful to not make any treaty with the people of the new lands. The reason for this warning was to keep the enemy from becoming a snare to the people.

God does not want His people to compromise with the enemy. The enemy is in the wrong each and every time. Satan is out to kill and destroy each and every person he can, with no mercy, and in any manner possible. The world does not want the believer to win any battle.

Sadly, compromise and treaties with the world is commonly seen in the church. People choose to not stand firmly with God and lower their standards. The give into the pressure of this world. Beginning to believe in the standards of the world, causes a treaty with the world to be made, which, in turn, causes the believer to turn away from God’s standards of living. The treaty has become a snare to them, causing damage or even death to a believer. This death is not just physical, but a turning from God.

Many believers openly live in sin because of their treaty with this world.

As a believer, you are to take a solid stand upon God’s word, with no compromise with the world. The world is out to deceive and kill, it is about self. Jesus is there to bring you life. Do not give up what God has given you. Do not allow the world to take it from you by deception.

A treaty with the world is enmity with God. Whose standards are you holding on to?

I pray today that you will hold onto God’s standards; that God will reveal where there is a treaty with the world in your life; that God will strengthen you to break any treaty with the world; and that God will keep you from being caught in the snare of this world’s deception. 

2 thoughts on “Exodus 34:12 Be Careful Of Snares

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  1. Wow! I like how you explained treaty and how you mentioned compromise. This post is making me ask myself what areas have I come into compromise with the world? Thanks for sharing this

    1. You are welcome Efua. I think this is an area all of us are guilty of at times. All we need to do is keep our eyes on God. Thank you for reading and the comment. Have a blessed day!

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