1 Corinthians 7:23 Don’t Be A Slave To A Person


smooth river

You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings. 1 Corinthians 7:23

Paul had been talking about the status of a person. Some were slaves when they became a believer, while others were free men when they believed. If they were a slave, they were to see their salvation as freedom in Christ. If they were free, they were to see themselves enslaved to Christ.

Now he points out that no one should be a slave to another human being. Immediately, most people would say that they are not a slave to another human being. Those who are actual slaves, most likely will say that they do not want to be a slave.

In reality, the majority of people are enslaved to another person. By choice many people have allowed themselves to be enslaved to another person. They have made choices that made them a slave.

People want to be just like a celebrity, to the point that they live, breath, dress and talk just like that person. They have become enslaved.

Others have enslaved themselves to another person because of debt. They want something that they cannot really afford, get a loan or use a credit card, and have to fight to be able to pay it off for many years.

Many people have become enslaved to those on television. They allow others to tell them how they must live, what they must wear, drink, drive, think, and need.

Believers should be different. They should be allowing Jesus with the Holy Spirit to guide them and tell them what to think, say and do. Every believer needs to be enslaved to God. Be at God’s beck and call around the clock.

God has the believers best interest in mind when He guides the person. God does not do things for selfish reasons. He loves first, beginning and last in all that He says and does. Jesus bought you at the high price of death.

Take a look at the way you live your life. Notice who you are enslaved to. Every person is a slave to someone or something.

As a slave to Christ, you will have an abundant life and inherit eternal life in the end. As a slave to people, you will only inherit disappointment and death.

Who is in control of your life?

Who is the master of your life?

Do not allow the things and people of this world to be your master.

I pray today that you will know Jesus as your Savior; that you will allow God to have complete control of your life; and that you will not be a slave to any in this world.

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