Ezekiel 37:5 Dry Bones Live

This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. Ezekiel 37:5

God brought Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones and asked him if those bones could live. Ezekiel states that only God knows the answer to that. God then tells him to tell the bones that He will breath life into them and they will live again.

Bones are a sign of something that is dead. All the flesh that was on the bones are gone. All the blood vessels that surrounded the bones are gone. Nothing is left but death.

Seeing a whole field of dry bones, would leave a person in horror or sadness. It is a sign of a lot of death. All hope of life appears to be gone and nothing can be done about it. It is just a large open graveyard that sits on top of the ground rather than being buried.

People live their lives just like the dead bones lying on the ground. They go through the motions of being alive, but in reality are dead. They are dead in sins, appearing to be enjoying the best of this life. All are living without any real hope or purpose in this world. Although they are physically walking around on this planet, they are dead in spirit, dead like those dry bones in the field.

Once a person believes in the work of Jesus, God puts on a new life on the person. He is clothed with the righteousness and life of Jesus. God gives him a new heart of flesh. There is new hope and life that was never there before.

If you are going through life and feeling like there is no purpose or real living, you need to give Jesus a chance to show you a new life. Following God can give you the real meaning of life on this earth. You do not have to go through each day with no hope, thinking it is all worthless with no meaning.

Life is there for the taking. With Jesus you will have joy and love that will strengthen you. You will become a new creation in Jesus. Your old bones will be renewed with new life. Do not remain dead in sins and be a pile of dry bones.

I pray today that you will know Jesus personally; that you will accept the life God has for you; that God will fill you with a new life and purpose; and that your bones will live in the power of God. 

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