The Joy Project

Title: The Joy Project: A True Story of Inescapable Happiness
Author: Tony Reinke
Date: 2015
Publisher: Desiring God
Pages: 122

The author of this book looks at how people are always looking for joy. They try to find joy in many ways. Some people find joy in position, family, friends, job, money, things, or even drugs or sex. The list goes on forever in where people try to find joy.

He looks at the idea that God is the author of joy. He places inexpressible joy in the hearts of those who follow Him. God had created the earth for man to rule over and enjoy. God also has a plan that has been put in place for each and every believer since the beginning of creation. That plan is to have fellowship with Him and to enjoy life with Him.

Mankind in his selfishness has looked for joy and purpose in his own ways rather than looking to God. If every believer was to find his purpose and satisfaction in Jesus alone, he would also have the ultimate joy.

The author uses the word TULIP to describe this. T=total depravity, U=unconditional election, L=limited atonement, I=irresistible grace, P=perseverance of the saints. Each of these topics are looked at individually that bring about joy in the life of a believer.

It will make you examine your life and what you really look for when seeking joy. If you are looking for joy in the things of this world, you will always be seeking and joy will always seem to be just out of reach.

If you are looking for joy in Jesus, you will find it. You will find satisfaction in Jesus and His purpose for your life. When you have this satisfaction, you will also have joy that cannot be explained by the world.

The one thing that I do not care for a lot is that the author strongly pushes Calvinistic and Puritan beliefs. All the way through the book he quotes Calvin and Puritan authors.

I do recommend this book for you to read. As you read it ask God to open your heart up to what joy He has available for you. Find the joy in God that you have always been seeking for.

7 thoughts on “The Joy Project

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  1. (I thought I had already responded…oh well…)
    I think I have the Total Depravity down…and I’m working on the atonement and grace. But I already know joy, daily, as I am able to respond with grace when confronted with hate. Jesus is with me if I just set my mind to be aware of His presence…and when I am, I am filled with joy.

    1. Grace, I think is something all of us struggle with. How can God give us something we do not deserve? How can God forgive us for what we have done wrong? That is the amazing part of His great love and mercy. As you said if we keep our mind of Jesus we will have His joy. May we all keep our eyes on Jesus. Thanks for the great comment. (and no you had not responded yet)

      1. Have you read about the spiritual exercise I went through two years ago? The exercise is called “From Conception to Birth.” I describe it on the web page “A Ward of Jesus” in the piece titled “A Baby’s Birth.”

  2. I have referenced the book mentioned in this post in my latest piece, “The Ways of Reconciliation.” I hope you approve.

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