1 Corinthians 3:9 Working Together

“For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9

The people in Corinth were struggling with each other. Each one was stating that their work was greater or who they followed was better. Paul tells them to stop the struggles because they are all working together in the same field.

In the workplace people are often very competitive and territorial. Each person often feels that his job is the most important one in the workplace. This is extremely common with the leaders of the place. A person has made it to a leadership position and feels that he is now the most important person around, that the place could not survive without his work.

This also occurs in the church. The worship leader feels that his position is most important because everyone needs to worship God. The youth leader, because he is raising up tomorrow’s leaders. The deacons, because they are supporting the pastor. The sound technician, because everyone needs to hear the sermon and music clearly. The evangelist, because he is telling the lost about Jesus. And the list goes on.

The thing to remember is that each position is important, from the “lowest” person to the head boss. Each person has their part to do. The work for each one is in God’s field–the earth. They are working on building God’s kingdom. It does not matter if you are washing the toilets, preaching a sermon, or witnessing on the streets, all of it is used together to build His kingdom.

Each person must work together. Take any one person out, and part of the work will not get done. Your job may be to just put in one special screw into a vehicle to make that car, but if you do not put it in, part of it will fall apart when it is driven down the road later.

Seek God as to what you are to do in building His kingdom and then do it with all of your strength. Do not compare yourself to others, or lord yourself over others. Work together as a team, not in a fight alone. Build each other up in Christ Jesus.

I pray today that you will do the work God has for you to do; that you will not see yourself as any more important than anyone else in God’s kingdom; and that you will build God’s kingdom daily.

3 thoughts on “1 Corinthians 3:9 Working Together

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  1. Tom, God spoke right through your words to me this morning. I’ve been having a struggle lately with my blessed honor to serve my church (my God) through photography. This is a dream come true to be asked to do something I love to do- as service! God clearly gave me this job, however, I feel so little and inexperienced and each time I am photographing baptisms or events (which is stretching my ability) a larger part of me is scared to death that I won’t do a good job or that my work will look awful in comparison to the professionals. This passage and your words, “Don’t Compare Yourself…” Really struck me and it is God speaking through you- deep into a root fear I need to let go of. Thank you for the prayers for all. If you remember, would you mind saying a little prayer for me to let go of my fear so that I can better serve (in freedom, rather than self-doubt)?
    Humbly and Thankfully,

    1. Thank for the kind words. I praise The Lord that God is using my blog to help someone.
      Remember that if God calls you He will equip you. His grace is sufficient for your need. You may not do a perfect job but I know you will do a good if not great job. I know I really enjoy the pictures you have been posting.
      I will be praying for you. It is my pleasure to lift you up in prayer to our God hears and answers our prayers. I will believe for a good report.

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